Subtext 2 at gallery@oxo 13-18 October

Open daily 11- 7 from 13th to 18th October at the gallery@oxo, Bargehouse Street, London, Subtext 2 exhibits three artist’s responses to lockdown. The evening view is 6-9 on 14th October.

Noble reflected on adventures past to the Americas and formed an artistic alliance with an isolated community of quilters. The luminous colours of the rainforests lifted her spirits whilst the virtual companionship of the community softened her London confinement.

 For Hartley, the solitude was akin to a strange adventure. Tucked away in the Hampshire countryside, her memories brought her to France and the Impressionists. Matisse’s use of colour to reflect negative space galvanised her to explore the theme of time.

 Feighan took residency in her parent’s vacant home in Ireland. It was an opportunity to grieve, create and be close to nature. There she transformed her ink drawings into quiet relief prints and expansive embroideries.  


House & Garden October 2021


Affordable Art Fair 8th-11th July